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Having expertise in recruiting workers in the auto body for automobile and heavy vehicle, means understanding the skills and qualities required for each key position.
Positions we recruit for
  • Automotive parts clerk
  • Body repairer
  • Dismantler and assembler
  • Car washer
  • Automotive painter
  • Heavy vehicle painter (bus and truck)
  • Automotive preparer

To recruit the best candidates, here’s what we consider essential:

Knowledge of the trade: To recruit effectively, whether auto body repairers or painters, it’s essential to have a thorough understanding of the skills and knowledge required for the trade. This includes knowledge of the techniques, tools used and associated materials.

Candidate profile: While we look for candidates with skills such as precision, attention to detail and the ability to work with specific tools, we also pay close attention to the candidate’s attitude, ability to work as part of a team, openness to learning new skills, patience, and adaptability.

Assessment: During the recruitment process, candidates undergo a technical assessment.

Time management: The entire body repair process must be completed within specific timeframes. It is imperative to look for candidates who can manage their time efficiently and work productively.

In summary, to have expertise in body repair recruitment, it’s crucial to fully understand the requirements of the trade and select candidates with the skills, qualities, and experience to excel in this specialized field.